Support Our Chapter!
You can support Ridge DECA at no cost to you!!!
Tax Credits are an awesome way to support DECA. Anyone who pays taxes in Arizona can donate to Ridge DECA. (Married couples can donate up to $400 and individuals can donate up to $200.)
And the BEST part....
The state pays you back your money!! Yes, your donation is a CREDIT (not a donation) to your Arizona State Taxes.
Help Ridge DECA earn dollars - at NO COST to you! Please register your Safeway card by clicking below and signing up. Then when you shop at Safeway, a portion of your sales are donated to Ridge DECA.
Our group name: Mountain Ridge High School - DECA
Our eScrip Group ID: 500043206
Note: If you always use your phone number and don’t know your Safeway card number, you can call 1-877-723-3929 – Option # 4 to get your number.